• Client

    Alan Penrose

I signed up for online coaching with the TJP team as I needed some structure and without a gym buddy, I needed some extra accountability. I also spent a lot of time sweating in the gym, knowing I had the ability but others around me always seemed stronger and looked far more in shape than I did. I wanted to be challenged. I wanted results.

Joe’s Instagram was also the first ever fitness profile I followed on social media and couldn’t believe transformations I saw. The TJP platform seemed perfect for me as it was all accessible online.


From day 1, JP was so laid back about everything and spent a lot of time tailoring a programme to suits my needs and seeing some realistic goals to work towards.

Before I joined the TJP team, I was terrible for cutting out foods completely and found it weird upping my calories when my programme started but it now all makes sense. In the first 6 months, I did find it hard not to get too obsessed with everything but over time, I learned to relax about things like going over my calorie intake if there was a special occasion happening or having a beer with my dad when we met.

My original goal was to lose weight and tone up/build some muscle. My goal was smashed! After 6-7 months, I am the lightest I had been in over 10 years and the strongest too.

A defining moment in my journey was the TJP Practical workshop, which is something the team offer clients for free. It gave me so much ammunition to take back into the gym. My workouts have been taken to another level and the time spent in the gym is has been maximised!

To anyone thinking of signing up, do it! It’s not just about a body transformation, it will be life changing and you won’t look back.

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