• Client

    Craig Robertson

  • Transformation

    17 Weeks

“I have not only dropped over 100lbs in weight but my mental approach to my diet and to how I see myself has changed dramatically. I am confident, I have a far better relationship with food, I enjoy my training and I’m in the best shape of my life!


I had tried EVERY diet. They’d work short term but fast forward a few months and I was heavier and more dissatisfied than before – they were just not sustainable.  I have fought with this for years and could never control my weight so I decided it was time to seek some help.


From the moment I had my conversation with Joe I have honestly never been happier. I knew that I wanted to find someone I could train with and feel comfortable around. I didn’t just want an email address or to just be another client. We spoke all about my previous diets as we tried to nail down some goals and how he could help me. I wanted something that I could stick to for life and not for another couple of weeks or months.


When we started I felt like I was eating so much food it was unreal. Given I’d previously been on scary low calories I assumed that there would be no way I would lose weight. Food became enjoyable and the variation was great. I could eat out with friends and not be overly worried because I learned that consistency was key.


My goal at the start was to be able to walk into a shop and buy a pair of jeans as at my heaviest all I could do was order them online. I have not only dropped over 100lbs in weight but my mental approach to my diet and to how I see myself has changed dramatically. I am confident, I have a far better relationship with food, I enjoy my training and I’m in the best shape of my life!


The value of Joe’s support throughout to really keep me accountable and motivated would be worth its weight in gold.

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